Instead of one big 'Grand Opening' party, Belenky Brothers decided to give something more back to our devoted clients. We chose to host a three part series of informative chats with some of the most noted people in the industry. The first was Claudia Kretchmer of Steven Kretchmer Designs. Claudia's gentle and intelligent style was not only highly informational but most beguiling.
We learned a great deal about what motivated Steven to create Polarium, his fabulous new alloy imbued with polarity. We were given insights into some of the newest and upcoming designs, and most of all we learned more about one of the greatest jewelry genius's this world has ever seen.
Claudia's approach, though completely different than her father's, is no less innovative. She brings to her designing an impressive background in astrophysics. Which as one might imagine is highly impressive.
Last week Michael O'Connor, the TV personality and renowned red carpet runway commentator shared with our audience some fascinating information about how to mix and match jewelry. Actually, I learned some neat new stuff, which I plan to share on an individual basis. His 'dish' about celebs was fun, what they own, what they wear and what they truly like. Another interesting fact he put forth was how men can wear jewelry in a most chic fashion. Most men are truly reluctant to wear anything but a ring or bracelet (maybe) or necklace. He actually pointed out how macho men could even wear a brooch with panache. Again, I'd love to share this with you, please feel free to ask.
Our guests lingered long after the talks enjoying the hors oeuvres and wine, and viewing the fantastic and impressive American Jewelry Design Council's Museum Collection.
Our LAST CHAT will be this Wednesday, August 27th at 6:30 . Speaking will be Susan Helmich, a master designer who utilizes some of the most exotic gemstones in the world, many of which are hand carved by the famous Munchsteiner family. She will share some secrets into buying and collecting colored gemstones. Don't miss this amazing designer's rare appearance.
We look forward to seeing you then and hope you will join us in celebrating our new home.