Friday, January 21, 2011

Gotta Love That Great Wine!

Pouring the wine was only the beginning. The guests loved the variety of fine wines presented by The Napa Valley Vintners. The accompanying delicacies were yummy, and the people were just great! Every moment was filled with stimulating conversation and extraordinary wines. People just didn't want to leave. Belenky finally had to resort to the old hint of blinking the lights. But alas that didn't even help

Love it when everyone is soooo happy.

By the way, we at Belenky Brothers wish you all a very wonderful 2011!

Friday, January 07, 2011


The event of the season is almost here. If you choose to join us you MUST RSVP no later than Tuesday, January 11th. The caterers need an absolutely accurate head count and are insisting in enough lead time.

This is a first for BELENKY BROTHERS, hosting an elaborate WINE TASTING evening in collaboration with the renowned Napa Valley Vintners, and then being coupled with catered gourmet delicacies...DON'T MISS IT!