What is the origin of Valentine's Day? February 14 is Valentines Day, the day on which we celebrate and explore love in all it’s many ideals. One might wonder why would a day for lovers be created?
The story of Valentines Day begins during the height of the Roman Empire, which held a festival every February. This Lupercian Festival was held in honor of the God of Fertility. At this time young men would choose their mates. At the time marriage was a common occurrence, but when Claudius became Emperor he changed all of that. Fearing that men would refuse their duty to fight because they would not want to leave their wives behind, he outlawed all marriages. Young couples still fell in love though and still wished to marry and they took these desires to the Catholic Bishop Valentine who, believed strongly in love. He then took it upon himself and began to officiate over the marriages of many couples. When Claudius learned of this, he had Valentine arrested and sentenced to death. While languishing in jail, Valentine began exchanging letters with the jailer’s daughter and soon had fallen in love with her. The day he was to be beheaded, he wrote her one last note and signed it: ‘From Your Valentine’.
Now in the 21st century, Who should celebrate Valentine's Day? It seems to be a quandry upon which many have speculated. After all, if it's more of a "made-up" holiday, why bother? Is this another of the Hallmark creations?
There are probably several ways to view this holiday. One, of course is that it is merely a commercial situation and why honor it. Another, is to take February 14th, a date in the midst of the cold winter, and make it fun. Share your love and joy with others. Make the people you care about feel good. How wonderful to receive an unexpected gift or phone call or note. Think how you would feel to be the recipient of something so special.
Sure you can complain about the commercialism of this day, but in essence it is a wonderful break in the middle of these harsh wintry days to celebrate your love for another.
For Belenky Brothers, it has become an opportunity to be creative. We have been diligently working to secure collections of beautiful jewelry in all price ranges. You merely need to tell us your budget, and we will jump through hoops to get you exactly what you want.
Now it's easier than ever, you can call us, email us, shop on line, or better yet, stop in for a visit. We know you will be extremely happy. More importantly your 'Valentine' will be even happier. Remembering the romance in these times is vital.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
The story of Valentines Day begins during the height of the Roman Empire, which held a festival every February. This Lupercian Festival was held in honor of the God of Fertility. At this time young men would choose their mates. At the time marriage was a common occurrence, but when Claudius became Emperor he changed all of that. Fearing that men would refuse their duty to fight because they would not want to leave their wives behind, he outlawed all marriages. Young couples still fell in love though and still wished to marry and they took these desires to the Catholic Bishop Valentine who, believed strongly in love. He then took it upon himself and began to officiate over the marriages of many couples. When Claudius learned of this, he had Valentine arrested and sentenced to death. While languishing in jail, Valentine began exchanging letters with the jailer’s daughter and soon had fallen in love with her. The day he was to be beheaded, he wrote her one last note and signed it: ‘From Your Valentine’.
Now in the 21st century, Who should celebrate Valentine's Day? It seems to be a quandry upon which many have speculated. After all, if it's more of a "made-up" holiday, why bother? Is this another of the Hallmark creations?
There are probably several ways to view this holiday. One, of course is that it is merely a commercial situation and why honor it. Another, is to take February 14th, a date in the midst of the cold winter, and make it fun. Share your love and joy with others. Make the people you care about feel good. How wonderful to receive an unexpected gift or phone call or note. Think how you would feel to be the recipient of something so special.
Sure you can complain about the commercialism of this day, but in essence it is a wonderful break in the middle of these harsh wintry days to celebrate your love for another.
For Belenky Brothers, it has become an opportunity to be creative. We have been diligently working to secure collections of beautiful jewelry in all price ranges. You merely need to tell us your budget, and we will jump through hoops to get you exactly what you want.
Now it's easier than ever, you can call us, email us, shop on line, or better yet, stop in for a visit. We know you will be extremely happy. More importantly your 'Valentine' will be even happier. Remembering the romance in these times is vital.
We look forward to seeing you soon.